Soooo....yeah. I figure since people are going away next year, I'd start a blog...I've always been a little adverse to the idea (hence the title), but it seems like it will be a good way to stay updated with people.
So, with that said. Summer's been pretty good so far. It doesn't seem like it's only been a week and a half since school ended. I spent the first week just spending time with Chase. We went to the Red Elvises concert that Wednesday. It was fun, but not as amazing as the last time I saw them.
Then there was the crazy weekend of my sister's wedding. All my relatives that I haven't seen for a while, some for five years, and friends of the family. I was happy to see my Uncle Don and his wife Sherry and my mom's friends Susan and James. They're always fun to sit and exchange sarcastic remarks with. And this time I could drink with them as well. =-D One impressive thing is that my Uncle Stuart and Maria Theresa (his very Columbian wife) showed up. My family's relationship with them has never really been that great, or really that existant. So it was kinda good that they were there. There's some hope we can salvage a relationship with them.
Chase seemed to have a good time. Everyone really liked him. He is such a charmer, but he doens't get that yet.
The wedding itself was beautiful. It was fun being a bridesmaid. I managed to keep from crying until Liz's dance with Dad at the reception. Dad looked so happy and Liz so pretty that I just gave up and grabbed the napkin from my lap.
And now, pictures!

Me and Chase being cute...or in his case, crazy.

Me and my sister at the reception.

This is why I love Bo, who is now my Brother-in-law. Yay!

The putting on of the dress...

Two of my favorite people, in schnazy hats. (That's my Uncle Don on the left)

Here is where I couldn't help but cry...

Yay wedding!