Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why is that Winter always seems to bring out the problems?

So while thinking about classes I need to take next quarter, I realize I have too many interests. I have about half of the requirements for a Bio minor, but after being reminded this quarter of how anal the sciences are that's not going to happen. I have a third of a Theater minor, but don't feel like commiting to take 4 more classes, when I only have 4 more quarters left. I think I'll just accept it, and take whatever classes I feel like outside my requirements for my major. Can't hurt. Funny how I have too many options for academics, but I only have 2 PEs and need 3 more...but I'm not really interested in any (besides the fact that most of them have a fee).

Oh, and have I mentioned how much I hate money?

At least I'm feeling better now.

I think I'm ready to be done with school.

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