Monday, October 29, 2007

The system

I made a D on my exam. And it's a fucking intro class.
I get more sastisfaction from making chainmaille than I do writing an essay, no matter how good or bad the grade. I'm really sick of the grading system. I hate that one letter can ruin my day. Especially when I do enjoy the class, have been engaged in the lectures, and have been doing most of the work. Phooey.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halfway done

We had a halloween party last night. We invited a lot more people than came, but that turned out fine. A medium size group of friends being silly and talking is enough to make me immensly happy. Dan and Richard were there too. Even better.
Now, I have a lot of work to do. Mostly reading. I'm not behind. Not really. It's just that two of my proffessors have decided I need to read two books for this week. And rehearsals are going an hour longer starting this week. Whee. This should turn out interesting.
The quarter's halway over. The more difficult work and obligations are ahead of me. But I'm that much closer to being back in Chase's arms. I've been alone, romanticallyand sexuall inactive for four months. I'm ready to go home.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


So I'm begining to feel like I'm losing friends...Not all my friends....Mostly Dan and Richard. I guess it started last spring. They didn't come around much, or seem interested in hanging out. It's about the same this quarter, except now we're not on campus. I really don't like this. I don't want to lose their friendships, but also because it kinda hurts. It makes me feel like maybe something went wrong, and honestly I don't know what or why. Dan I can kinda understand. He can be selfish and a little course...he knows that about himself and sadly doesn't seem to think he should or can change it. Richard however...I don't know if it's just because we're busy and what not. I hope things don't get more distant. I hate drifting. I've lost so many friends in my life. I'd like to keep the ones I finally value and care so much for.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

And the beat goes on..

So things resolve themself. It's sunny now. I enjoyed my time at the elementary school. The mail was picked up. I got my money back.
Also, I'm increasingly excited about my role as the Ghost in Hamlet. I can't wait to see what Jon Reeves has in mind for lighting and effects for my scene. =-D

Monday, October 1, 2007

Why Monday hates me...

1. It's raining. Cold, drizzly, annoying rain.

2. I'm currently scheduled to volunteer at a school for six hours a week when I was told around two or three would be required for my class. Working on that. Cause, yeah, I don't have much time to do homework as it is.

4. I went to buy the two books I haven't been able to afford until now. And my card gets denied. I call the bank. Apparently there's only 49 dollars in it. Turns out the money that I got from the school, roughly one thousand dollars, and deposited at the bank is not on their records. Why? I have no fucking idea. But that's the money I need to pay rent and bills. So yeah. I'm pissed. I know it will be worked out. But this is stress I don't need

.3. The mailman has yet to pick up our mail which includes bills that need to be paid soon. Which may be a good thing considering I apparently don't have the money to pay them.