Sunday, December 16, 2007


So, I'm silly. As soon as I saw Chase most of my doubts just disappeared. (Only most because, well, see previous entry "Doubt is a Devil") I've spent most of my time home so far with him. One night we took blanket out into the field next to his house and stargazed. There were lots of shooting stars that night. It was practically perfect.

As for Ian...I'm a wuss. I haven't called him yet....Instead I just sent him a text message. I'm such a chicken.


KirbyTheGenius said...


Tell Chase that I said hello!

And best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Also tell Chase that I said Hello. Also, I was going to respond to the last post and tell you that everything would be okay, but I didn't want it to sound condescending or anything. But yeah. Chase is a good guy for you and you love each other.

Also with Ian. Just do it. Put on your combat boots, dress like a punk, tap into your inner Old Hamlet and fucking call him. Cause I know you can.